CBSE Modifies Examination Structure for 11th and 12th Class – 2024-25 Academic Year

Starting in the school year 2024-25, the CBSE is changing the exam pattern for the 11th and 12th grades. The exams will now have questions that test how well students can apply concepts rather than questions that require long-written answers.

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced on Thursday that it is changing how tests are given for 11th and 12th graders from 2024-25. The new testing method will ask more questions that make students think about using what they have learned instead of writing long answers.

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There will be no changes to the test formats for 9th and 10th graders.

This change aims to help students learn better by helping them understand ideas deeply, not just by remembering facts. It is supposed to help students be more creative, come up with new ideas, and really get into the subjects they are studying.

Joseph Emanuel, the CBSE Director of Academics, explained that this change follows the National Education Policy of 2020. The goal is to focus more on learning by doing and thinking deeply about subjects. Teachers will get help and resources to teach this way, and the types of questions on tests will change to check if students really understand the ideas.

Now, tests will have more multiple-choice questions and other types that check if you understand how to use what you’ve learned. The number of these types of questions will go up from 40% to 50%. However, there will be fewer questions that ask for long written answers, decreasing from 40% to 30%.

Emanuel said they want to move away from just remembering facts for tests and encourage students to think more deeply and creatively to solve problems. This approach is aimed at helping students prepare for future challenges.

For the next school year, tests will have more questions that assess students’ ability to use what they’ve learned in real-life situations.

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