ASER 2023: Boys in rural India have more smartphones, while girls are behind in digital skills.

Among surveyed youth aged 14-18 who use social media, only about half know about online safety settings. Men are more likely to be familiar with these settings than women.

The ASER 2023 findings show that while most males (95%) and females (90%) know how to use a smartphone, there are differences in how they use it. For example, more boys aged 14-18 own smartphones and use them for various tasks compared to girls. The data reveals that men are twice as likely as women to use smartphones for practical things like making reservations or paying bills. Also, more males (38%) use smartphones for online services, while fewer females (19%) do the same. When it comes to entertainment, 69% of males use smartphones, while only 46% of females do, indicating that girls have less access.

Having their own smartphones allows unsupervised use, and the report notes a slight decrease in the gap between out-of-school females (16%) and males (11.9%) from ASER 2017 to 0.2 percentage points in ASER 2023. More females express a desire for higher education, with 7.4% enrolled in undergraduate courses compared to 6.8% of males. Girls also outperform boys in reading in their native language but lag in maths and English reading comprehension.

The gender gap extends to activities like having an email (50% males, 30% females), online shopping, and using maps. Males (49%) are better at using maps for travel planning compared to females (25%). The report emphasizes the challenge girls face in travel planning due to societal norms. It also highlights the gender gap in career choices, influenced by factors like ideal marriage age. Financial constraints often force girls out of school, while boys can find ways to pay fees.

Despite these challenges, many girls express an interest in working after education. However, their career goals are influenced by the presence of women in the workforce. For instance, in Himachal Pradesh, where female labor force participation is high, girls are more open to the idea of working compared to Chhattisgarh, where fewer women are part of the workforce. The ASER 2023 survey covered 28 districts in 26 states, reaching 34,745 youth aged 14-18 in rural areas.

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