UK Student Visa: New Policy Changes Minimally Impact International Students

The UK made new rules about visas for international students. These rules especially affect students studying advanced research programs after they finish their undergraduate degree. Now, they can’t bring their family members to the UK if they come to study. The British Council experts say this change won’t affect many students because these research programs are short, and there are other ways for families to come to the UK.

The United Kingdom changed its visa rules, including those for students, which made people wonder how it would affect immigrants. Many experts think we should wait and see, but the British Council says the impact of these changes is not very big.

What are the changes in the student visa rules in the UK?

Recently, the UK made a new rule about student visas. Starting from January 2024, international students studying for postgraduate research degrees won’t be allowed to bring their families to the UK. But this rule doesn’t apply to students in Master of Research (MRes) and Doctorate programs.

How could this affect international students?

Rittika Chanda Parruck MBE, Director of Education India at the British Council, says it won’t have much of an effect. She explains that most UK postgraduate programs are short, usually lasting about a year. So, the impact of this change isn’t as big as it might be in other countries where courses are longer. Also, other visa options like the Graduate Route, Young Professionals Scheme, visit visas, or Skilled Work visas are still available. This change doesn’t affect undergraduate students because they were already not allowed to bring their families.

The change in the visa policy only affects some international students and programs, with exceptions for certain student groups, she told LiveMint.

Despite these changes, the UK remains a popular choice for students because of its excellent universities and research facilities. The number of Indian students in the UK has been increasing, with 133,237 study visas issued in 2023.

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